Welcome To The
Western Epic Challenge


2025 Tournament Checklist

Please fill out and return this checklist along with your tournament application, team roster and entry fee.

Team Name & Team Contact 
Phone   Fax
Team contact while in Vegas
At which hotel will your team be staying 
Number of rooms booked 

"Western Canadian" & "American Teams" - Remember Parents that this Tournament is not USA Sanctioned or Canadian Hockey Sanctioned and that all parents should have individual Player Insurance for their child plus family Insurance while in Calgary. All Teams must have Team Liability Insurance !! "Better Safe then Sorry later".

Have you included the following?

Team Logo Y N   
Tournament Application Y N  
First Aid Kit?  Y N ( All Teams Must Have a First Aid Kit ).

 Name of Team Certified First Aider

WAIVER: In consideration of being allowed to participate in theWestern Epic Challenge hockey tournament, related events, and activities, the undersigned acknowledges and agrees, on behalf of their attending team that theWestern Epic Challenge will not be held responsible for any accident, injury, or loss however caused and hereby releases and holds harmless the Western Canadian AAA Championships” , their officers, directors, officials, coaches, agents, and/or employees, other participants, arena officials and owners, sponsoring Hotels, and advertisers, with respect to any and all injury, disability, or loss to person or property, whether caused by the negligence of the releases or otherwise.

The Team Representative that sign's/prints his / her name on this Checklist Form / Waiver Page also acknowledges & states that the team he/she represents carries fully paid up "VALID LIABILITY INSURANCE" ( minimum of $2,000,000 ) and that the Team ( Players, Parents , Coaches, Manager, Trainer etc ) also carry paid Up "MEDICAL & ACCIDENT INSURANCE.

The Team Representative signing below also acknowledges that incidents like Covid-19 and other unknown situations can arise and that if the Tournament has to be postponed, that Entry Fees cannot be Given back BUT a Credit towards the next year tournament will be given for the following year.

Team Representative Please initial that You have read this Waiver and Form _______

